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11 AUG

The future challenges of wind energy - Ásta Hannesdóttir

The future challenges of wind energy - Ásta Hannesdóttir

Energy technology Wind energy
16 FEB

DTU Wind Energy hosted the 2nd International Symposium on Leading Edge Erosion...

Experts on leading edge erosion of wind turbine blades discussed ways of solving the problems regarding one of the greatest challenges in the wind energy community.

Energy technology Wind energy
Anna-Maria Tilg
09 DEC

Installation of a vertical pointing radar at DTU Risø campus

Recently the vertical pointing radar MRR-PRO from METEK was installed at the DTU Risø campus in cooperation with METEK GmbH and METEK Nordic ApS. This radar measures precipitation...

21 OCT

Optimization of the erosion-safe operation of the IEA Wind 15 MW Reference Wind...

The work describes modelling of erosion of the IEA 15 MW Reference Wind Turbine. 

03 JAN

Before DTU Wind Energy Symposium: Great international interest in erosion of wind...

DTU Wind Energy will gather 100 international experts at the beginning of 2020 to discuss the development of new solutions for leading edge erosion.

Wind energy Energy technology
International Symposium on Leading Edge Erosion of Wind Turbine Blades
01 OCT

International Symposium on Leading Edge Erosion of Wind Turbine Blades 4-6 February...

DTU Wind Energy offers a symposium on leading edge erosion on 4-6 February 2020 at DTU Risø Campus.

Wind energy Energy technology
17 FEBRUARY 2025